sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010

A week later...

So.... it's been a week... I have so many things to describe, but i feel so lazy to do it... so I'll just write a little and let the pictures do the talking this time.


Last Saturday was the "Vultures - take 2". Once again they didn't feed on the bones or carcasses but were alighted on trees and rocks.

They spent hours behind the shelter, as if playing us around. 

The day was basically spent watching tits, warblers, larks and european robins on nearby olive trees... as well as napping inside the jeep...

On sunday i was once again gifted by snow ^^ this time much more intense :) and I quietly spend it on the computer, looking through my bedroom window and watching tits and warblers.

On Monday the vultures finally attack the feeding site, but we have a meeting in the morning. I try to see them in the afternoon, but they've left already.

Tuesday is raining and so we go for a jeep walk.We make our way to the southern part of the reserve. 

It's amazing how the river has grown and how all the water lines are running. 

The rest of the week is spent doing pretty much nothing, except helping eduard with the shelters construction.

On friday the photographer comes back for the "Vultures - take 3". This one goes way better and 50 vultures show up :)

After leaving them in the feeding site, i make my way to feed the horses, but i first need to wait for the sun to come up ;)

The day is long and spent on collecting water samples with my teachers.

Due to some's stubbornness the jeep gets once again stuck in the mud, complicating the whole afternoon. Ed and the photographer need to go back to Algodres by foot and I miss a sampling station...

After a long and hard work, Fernando saves the day and once again rescues the jeep. It's time to go home :)

I feel confused about my work, but I'm sweetly cheered up :)

Saturday goes on smoothly at home, cleaning up stuff...

I wish i was somewhere else...

2 comentários:

  1. Só queria dizer-te algo que aprendi por mim mesma: por mais que queiramos ou desejemos estar num outro lugar ou estar a fazer uma outra coisa, se isso não acontece, é apenas porque é assim que tem de ser. E por mais que nos pareça horrível, é assim que crescemos e que damos valor ao que temos.
