sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2010


According to the Gregorian Calendar today's the 1st day of 2010. Now... it's good to remember that this calendar has only been implemented on the 16th century by Pope Gregorian XIII, as a correction to the former Julian calendar. Meanwhile, both of them use the Anno Domini for year counting, which is Jesus Christ year of birth.  I stop and wonder about this whole thing... this is nothing but a counting system of time. But what is time? I search wikipedia for an answer, but all it tells me is that:

"Time is a component of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify the motions of objects. Time has been a major subject of religion, philosophy, and science, but defining it in a non-controversial manner applicable to all fields of study has consistently eluded the greatest scholars."  

= nobody really knows.

Time plays such a big role in our society, but we still can't define. All we can do is count it, plan it and use it, and that we do very well. I could go on and on and discuss the various viewpoints of time, its relativeness and subjectiveness, as well as its linearity or cycling nature, but that's not really my point, even though it would be a very interesting discussion. My point here is the crazy celebration of a new year. Most of the time people don't even know how the counting system works. All they know is that the year starts on 1st of January and ends on 31th of December (don't ask them why or who made that up, that's just the way things are). So... what's the whole point of the so called reveillon? People party up, get drunk and next day life goes on... 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, yay! It's midnight. Everyone goes crazy, champagne bottles are opened up, currants are eaten for each month of the year, everyone hugs each other and wishes a happy new year, the house owner gives a speech about friendship and health. Me? I'm just staring. I feel misplaced. This doesn't make any sense to me. At least not this way, not with those people. What the hell's wrong with me? I can understand that the coming of a new year may mean a renewal chance, like everything can start over, a fresh new beginning. An opportunity to throw away the past and start a new life. People do new year resolutions and what so ever. But that can happen everyday, u just have to want it. So in the end, it's just a stupid celebration with no meaning at all, right? It doesn't really matter if you had a happy 2009 or 2010, if u were born on 1987 or 1989, as it doesn't matter that u got a job on a monday or a friday or that someone died at 10am or 6pm. Dates don't mean a thing. So what's the point of celebrating them? They only matter on the moment they happened. After that it's past, it's gone. We should celebrate every single moment, after all every second is a new year.  I'm obviously not saying that we should spend our life partying. But the excitement that most people experience on the countdown to a new year should always lie inside us, for every breath we take, every action we do, everything we achieve. Every moment has a huge potential. We just have to live it up. 

E tenho dito.

Happy life for everyone.

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