terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2009

Solitude Moments

It's Saturday. I'm on the field cozily lying on rock. In the middle of nowhere i feel like I'm on the top of the world. Surrounded by nothing but nature, i wonder if i've done anything to deserve such wondrous moment. Sun rays warm me, giving me a comfortable feeling on this cold winter day. Down the hill, the Coa river. Its dark and fast waters can be heard from above, wildly running north, like almost no other river... A gentle breeze brings me its scent and i slowly enter an entirely new world... a world where man and women don't exist, a world without past or future, where perfection is revealed at every second by the harmonious beat of a bird's wing. I feel so tiny and insignificant... should i throw myself from this cliff and nothing would change... what difference does a life make? I'd return to where I once came and the world would live on... birds would keep on singing and these wild waters would keep on running, in an endless spiral of life. I wouldn't waste my life like that though... life might be ephemeral and insignificant on its own, but it's our most precious possession, in fact, it's probably our only possession, and even its fate does not belong to us, being its worth only decided by our actions... but, happily enough, there's no way we can measure that. 

Back at home everyone's returning home for christmas, but i'm still some days away... A weird feeling fills me... can't explain it, but it comes every time something reaches its end... Somehow i feel nervous for what still awaits me before christmas... =$

Tomorrow I'll go back to Faia Brava to try to review my methodology for the mammals census. It's not gonna work out the way i first thought. Thing's would be easier if the ground was flat, with no rocks or vegetation xD but that would be asking too much right? With eduard away it's me driving the jeep ^^ I'm dangerous though... meh it's no fun driving too slowly and avoiding all the holes and rocks in the ground =P Everything is white and the water puddles are all frozen, making a funny cracking sound after going over them with the car. Even though it is a freezing cold, the sun shines and everything looks alive. Birds jump around the trees and fly over me. It feels magic...

It's the first time I'm totally on my own in the reserve... i tought i'd might feel lonely and bored, but i didn't :) time flew by :) I spent most of the time "chasing" birds though xD New species i've seen include the short-toed treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla), the blue tit (Parus caeruleus and the long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus). Also both blackcap and sardinian warblers (Sylvia atricapilla and Sylvia melanocephala). I know i know... I'm just in the beginning... but we all are starters at some point :)

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