sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009

Home sweet home

After an absence of 3 days, here i am again :) this time, home ^^

Monday was what i´d call a normal day, me and eduard started the day by cleaning up the mushrooms left on exhibition on saturday and then headed to the vulture's feeding site to get the pictures from the cameras. Unhappily one of them was not working... :S we tried everything we could to fix it... but there´s something wrong with the electric system we think... the time counter between each shot doesn't stop and is endlessly looping between 9 and 1... sometimes it does take a picture but it is not recorded in the memory card :(
We've also changed some cameras location... i just hope we do get some results... cause so far most of the cameras have been a total failure... :S

Tuesday was a cool day :D We went with ricardo to explore one of the water lines... the more i walk around faia brava the more i´m sure that this is what i like... Danger brings color to my life in a way i've never really understood... but i need it, i need this feeling of adventure, it makes me feel alive =) We followed the line almost to the coa river, always between rocks and vegetation... like in life, the path sometimes seemed impossible, but nothing that a careful look around or a little detour couldn't fix :) griffin vultures wandered the skies above us every once in a while, probably checking if we were still alive ;P we kept on going till a precipice appeared before our eyes... the sight was spectacular, but the way down a little dangerous... since it was getting late we decided to go back... the way up? shorter than down ;) 

Almost near the car, anthony calls, some horses have run... he needs our help xD first task, take the horses back to the fence, 2nd task? fix it... 1st one goes on smoothly, the second one lasts a little longer... the sun eventually sets and the cold night embraces us... soon enough all we see is each-others silhouettes and sparkling lights on the sky...

The day has almost reached its end, but i still have to pack my stuff... tomorrow i´m going home :) a sudden laziness takes over me though, and packing turns out to be a very hard task... i dunno what to take... time goes by and my bag is still empty... but someone eventually brings me to reason and i quickly pack everything i need :)

On the next morning i wake up early so i don´t have the chance of missing the bus... i´m on the road again... my stuff is all packed so it's time to leave :) the journey is long, way too long... lost in the sights, my mind flies, thoughts run through my head without control... what is this and what does it mean...? mostly important, what will i do about it...? I feel like a spider getting caught in its own web... I fall asleep every now and then, there's not much more to do... after countless stops, some on cities that i´ve never even heard of, I reach caldas in the end of the day... this journey has reached its end... i've lost the number of times i've returned home... the feeling is usually the same, it's good to be back ^^ but something today was different :) something that made my trip not so boring and my clock run a little faster, something that somehow made me feel happy :)

Back at home i dunno how to describe it... i'm warmly welcomed by my cat that quickly jumps on me... i've missed her ^^ i really can't describe how it feels like being back... entering my room and lay in my bed once again... i feel comfortable and protected... i feel home =)

With nothing to do, i spend the time watching anime with my brother... he has classes on thursday afternoon though, so i enjoy it on my keyboard... i fear i might have lost the touch... but as i start playing, my fingers move on their own... how i've missed the harmony of these sounds :) there's no other thing like it :)

And that's all for today... it's late... everyone's asleep, except me, writing gibberish in a blog that almost no one reads (why should they...? long and boring posts...), but that for some reason i keep on writing... 

2 comentários:

  1. A alma impele-te a escrever..é uma maneira de pores cá para fora o que te vai dentro :P e, se te importa, eu tenho lido sim =)ehehe e gosto muito deste teu blog, que não é nada chato =P ai ai =P

    Beijinhos**gostii!! =)

  2. sim... acho que deve ser isso :)

    Obrigado parceirinha =3

