domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009


Fado que nos guia
Fado que nos destina
Fado que nos prende
A esta tristeza interna,
Para sempre certa,
Que nos persegue
A nós, lusitano povo.
Melancolia incurável
Que nos assombra a alma
E reprime a calma
Deste ser colectivo,
Guerreiro e aventureiro,
Que como um todo se expressa
Num único fado...
Um fado que nos move
Um fado que nos pesa
Um fado que nos consola,
Nas noites mais frias,
Desta triste vida
Que é a de um português.

 (podia-me ter dado p pior… lol xD)

Dunno what haunted me this morning… but i suppose this is what happens when you listen to childhood songs…

How can i relate so much to this collective body? Songs that are part of a country and also a part of me… Melancholy that takes over and reaches the darkest corners of my heart… like a fire that secretly burns inside me and loses control…  this voice that makes my soul shiver and my  heart tremble… echoing in every bit of myself... this voice that somehow screams my insides with a strength that i alone don´t have... This voice that is also mine, but is usually silenced by my mind… now poorly expressed in mere words… that, not being spoken or whispered, lack the feeling i gave them and may be interpreted in a thousand of ways… none of them, any near to what truly lies beyond…

Today i miss brazil… i miss its landscapes and its animals… i miss its people… i made nice friends there and i can only see that now… or is this feeling just another side of this fado that is within us all? This endless insatisfaction that guides our lives?  That makes us want something we've lost or never had, and not cherish it when we attain it…? But worry not… I´m alright =) i just spent too much time with myself… and this is the result. I kinda like it… i feel creative. Even though this side of mine is somehow dark, sad and melancholic… it's still a part of me.

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