terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009

Life´s an adventure ^^

7.36 am... the alarm hasn´t gone off yet... but my body appears to have rested enough already. Another night without proper sleep...All I hope is that the next one is better. I don´t know what exactly is taking my sleep away... exterior reasons cross my mind, the bed´s too big, you´r not used to it, maybe another blanket will fix it? Deep inside i don´t believe any of these... but it´s not time to think about that. I need to get ready.

Today we´ve planned to go to the other side of the river that crosses Faia Brava, the Coa River. The journey is a little longer than to Algodres, but my mind easily gets lost in the curvy road... distracted by the sights, the metal music brings me back to myself. Even though i´d prefer if the singer would just shut up, the instrumental seems to move me. We eventually get off the road and stop the car in deserted area. The sight before us is indescribable =) After a brief discussion about whether we should or not go to the river below us, we decide to go. On the other side of the hill the path that we´ll eventually walk can be seen... it´s gonna take a while till we get down there. Once we do, i feel in peace and thankful for my life. There´s no other thing i´d rather be doing... The sound of the running water relaxes me and my mind gets loosed for a few moments, but i can´t stop or i´ll get sleepy. I explore around the area, but there´s not much to be seen. The water level seems to have risen since the last time I was here, but except that there´s not much more to notice. 

Out of nowhere a cellphone rings... It´s eduard´s, my roomie and work companion. On the line is Anthony, the director of ICN and our "boss". Turns out that there´s someone expecting us in Algodres to go to Faia Brava. Bothered by the fact that our plans were changed we make our way back... as if we had a choice... either way, it´s a nice opportunity to learn something i suppose. Climbing turns out to be harder than the way down, as usual... but that´s something i´ll just have to get used to. Soon enough we´r both breathing heavily and thanking the wind for accompanying us again. We eventually reach the car and it´s time to go back...

We reach Algodres in twenty minutes, the metal music distracts us once again, but our visitor has not arrived yet. We wait in the car and something catches my eye... Dozens of birds singing, jumping and flying around a church tower... it seems that what used to be a stork nest is now used by those little fellows ^^ watching them makes the time fly by and soon our visitor arrives. He works with nature tourism and all i have to say about him is that i wanna be like him when i grow up xD I felt like a tiny and ignorant bug next to that man... He wanted to visit one of the Egyptian Vulture´s nest and we went with him. He knows more about birds, mammals, insects and plants altogether than anyone else i´ve met... 

Our downhill adventure begun and it lasted the whole day. After taking a while to find the path we were looking for we eventually get on it... But something was worth this =) A peregrine falcon crosses the skies ^^ It´s my first conscious vision of one =) 
Back on the path it´s clear it hasn´t been used for quite a while... at least not by humans. Horses feces are found everywhere as well as their footprints.  Grasses grow everywhere and as we go by the path becomes more and more difficult to find. We make a stop for lunch... the visitor takes his time to take some pictures, eduard looks around with his binoculars, I sit down and stare at the river... my mind flies away... the streaming water hypnotizes me and soon it´s like I´m alone... just me and that river... just me and the mountains... just me and myself.

After everybody´s done eating we get on going... we follow the path for a few more meters, but we reach a dead end. After cutting down a few painful grasses we make our own way down the hill finally reaching what has been attracting me the whole day... those wild running waters =) But no sign of the vulture nest... after a few more hopeless tries, we decide to go back cause the day is getting to its end. The journey back is long and painful... but we can´t stay down there. Our will moves us so nothing can stop us.

And another day has come to an end...

I´m tired... but I´m happy =)

1 comentário:

  1. "I´m tired... but I´m happy =)"

    e mai nada =)

    fico contente por ti ^^

    beijinhos* gosti*
