domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009

Different people, different experiences

Hmm here I am again, this time 3 days later... I wish I had the time to write everyday... can´t explain it, but writing things that happened yesterday or before doesn´t feel right... feelings of what happened have somehow faded turning my writing into something more descriptive... I´m afraid my posts will become somehow boring and repetitive with time... but let´s face it, that´s just the way our daily life is, except for a thing or 2, our routine is in a long term always the same... i hope that doesn´t happen with this blog, but only time will be able to tell.

Having been told that my latest post was somehow depressive (I warned everyone in my 1st post xP)  I shall try to sound a little more enthusiastic =)

This last few days have been very intense!

On friday we finally got access to the jeep ^.^ I have to say that that car is a monster... those japanese don´t take their work lightly... After a morning meeting with our boss and taking tons of borrowed books home (I´m not sure I´ll have the time/patience to even look at them... but I sure hope I do) we finally got our hands on the jeep´s keys :D Thanks to this our day was way easier than the ones before ^^ Being told that we where free to use it, we first went on the search-out for the missing horses... it appears that 2 or 3 horses jumped the fence and are on the run. Even though we spent the whole morning looking for them... no evidences were found... maybe they´ll return on their own?
The afternoon was way more interesting from me =) we went to the northwest zone of the reserve, the one we couldn´t reach while driving eduard´s car... I don´t have to say that it was peace of cake on the jeep ;P After getting kinda lost and ending up on a solitary farm guarded by surprisingly nice dogs, we had to go back and take the only road possible. Curves and more curves is what i can say about the way... it lead us down and down almost to the river. While stopping the car a Grey Heron goes by and lands on a distant rock, looking into the water, motionless, it stays there for a few minutes. After taking a look around we go back, this time, paying attention to the road so we can find the nascent we were looking for. Almost on the summit, before a curve, there it is. Its water filled with algae and small leaves. But something captures my eye, an area with no leaves, after a close look, a small footprint in the mud. Is it a fox? A wild cat? Maybe a small dog... we´r not sure... But this is one of the last places with water, so it´s worth to leave a camera. I can´t wait for its results =) We cover it with a fair amount of rocks and position it the best we can and we leave again, this time back to the vulture feeding site, to get the pictures from the camera. The culprits of the donkey enigma? Not evident yet... but the entrance of foxes inside was confirmed ;) this is not very good news though... the fence will need some repairs.

Back on home, nothing new, different people around the country keep me entertained till sleep time :)

On the other day something odd goes on... my alarm doesn´t go off... comfortable lying on my bed, i´m suddenly awaken by someone knocking on my door. It´s eduard... and I´m late. I get ready as fast as i can and we leave on time. Anthony is supposedly waiting for us, but once we get there we find out that he´s late xD Oh well... nothing else to do than wait =) We are going with him to Faia Brava to help some volunteers that came to plant some trees. This turned out to be a very interesting experience =)

The planting itself was nothing out of the ordinary, but made me feel very well... picking up a young tree and holding it in my hands made me think about many things... that fragile plant that i was holding was alive, it is a being with a past and a future that at that present moment was mostly dependent on me. I could ruin it so easily... but that´s not what i wanted. I wondered how many of those people there where thinking the same as me... Carefully introducing the plant into the ground i then covered its roots with soft earth and hoped that in the future it would turn into a nice and strong tree. Thinking that maybe in a few years, thanks to us, those almost deserted areas would be covered with trees, made me feel proud :) Never thought i´d experience a planting activity in such a deep way... 
Anyway, the group of volunteers is what surprised me the most, from teachers to architecture and medicine, this people all came to help, and for the second time :)  They were a very curious group, all vegetarian and with a somewhat familiar line of thought... some of them a little more extremist, they all were very nice people :) In the end of the day we decided to stay with them, a fire was made, and we all sited around it... i barely talked, but i absorbed everything i could :) We talked about the most various things, from paranormal phenomenons, like the curious crop circles in england, to politics, economy and sustainability. My mind, sometimes lost in the flames, was more and more surprised each time anyone talked. Eventually the rain came, first lightly and then heavily enough to make us disperse xD It was the first rain in Faia Brava in a whole year! I hope that what some people say is truth, and that i do bring the rain, cause this place sure needs it :P

The way back home was different :) It was the first time we did at night. Little mouses were seen crossing the road, but nothing bigger than that...

The next day, more trees planting :) this time much easier :) the last night rain made the soil softer, giving the trees a much better hope :)

In the end of the day it´s time to say goodbye, e-mails are exchanged and everyone takes their way :)

Me, i´m back here, writing again =)

Tomorrow starts the olive gathering campaign and I will be monitoring it with eduard, it´s the start of a brand new week :)

2 comentários:

  1. Um blog é normalmente um reflexo do que se encontra na alma e no coração , hoje menos alegr, mas melhores tempos virão. Alguem que se expressa com uma clareza tal, dificilmente vai tornar este blog monótono.
    Agora acho estranho como é que alguem que passou tanto tempo de "vacances" agora continua sem fazer anda, anda a passear por aqui e por ali , ainda por cima de popó, a ver uns bichinhos e plantar umas árvorezinhas...e agora vai monitorizar a apanha da azeitona (monotorizar, não é apanhar)...enfim há pessoas com sorte, mas também há outras que a merecem :) deves bem saber onde te incluo.

  2. Nice, very nice! :)
    Keep up the good work!
    I'm proud of you :)
    Beijinhos grandes
    LP (o senior) hehe
